Construction works: special
Number of records:
Number of records:
Astana, Манаса (бывш. ул. Мактумкулы) Str., 16/2

futerovochny operations, building collapse, Construction works: high-rise, operations futerovochny, industrial mountaineering, operations obmurovochny, reconstruction of buildings, repair of buildings, washing of facades, windows, stained-glass windows, construction works: special, demolition of structures, dismantling of buildings, seismogain of buildings, facades, anticorrosive high-rise operations, installation high-rise works, explosive operations, gain of load-carrying structures, an abrasion, crystallization, a polish of marble and granite floors, high-rise operations, painting high-rise operations, mountaineering industrial, earthwork, hydroabrasive cutting, tower vehicles in Astana

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