АЛИМ-КОНСАЛТИНГ, legal company
Адрес: Astana, Кенесары Str., 17

Телефоны: 8-777-18...(Показать телефоны)
Рубрики фирмы

Are you looking for a company for accounting and tax accounting, outsourcing, for submitting statistical and tax reporting in Astana, developing accounting policies in accordance with IFRS, NFRS, restoring accounting and tax accounting, or do you need consulting, auditing or accounting services in Astana? Under the heading "Accounting and auditing services" on the website of the directory "Our City. Astana ", you will definitely find such a company for yourself, because there are dozens of the best accounting companies in the city of Astana, which will help you develop the tax and accounting policy of your enterprise, in accounting and tax support, registration, re-registration, suspension or liquidation of firms and enterprises (LLP, IE), optimize the tax payments of your company, as well as provide the necessary legal assistance and advise you on tax and accounting legislation. И, возможно, что юридическая компания "АЛИМ-КОНСАЛТИНГ" в г.Astana это именно то, что вам нужно и, может быть, именно здесь вы найдёте то, что ищете!

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