Electrotechnical equipment
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Almaty, Mate Zalki (Utegen batir )  Str., 76д
Полный ремонт электродвигателей, перемотка трансформаторов, катушек, с использованием медного провода, изоляционных лаков. Ремонт, перемотка насосов.
Almaty, Tole Bi Str., 291, 24 off.
Мотор-редукторы, редукторы, электродвигатели, преобразователи частоты, сервопривод и другие приводные решения от компании Sew-Eurodrive.
Almaty, Al-Farabi ave. пр., 17, БЦ Нурлы Тау, сектор 4В, оф. 1806

The cable and conduction production, time cut-outs, modules which automatic are self-regenerated the equipment wiring, the equipment electrowelding, the Equipment low-voltage, the Equipment high-voltage, transformer substations container, breakers, boards, cable trays, contactors, power conditioners, the equipment electrotechnical, electric equipment, transformers, automatic machines, actuators, contactors, the low-voltage equipment, switches, sockets, generators, electromotors, pressure sensors electronic, insulators, diesel generators, accumulator rectifiers, starting arrangements, rectifiers, technology of cold shrinkage, puskoreguliruyushchy devices, the relay equipment, the photo relay, a modular hardware, reactors network, power supply unit in Almaty

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