Insurance companies
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Almaty, Abai пр., 109в, ТРЦ Гло бус
Все виды страховых услуг. Лиц. №11-12/1 от 21.08.2008 г.
Almaty, Dzerzhinsky (Nauryzbai Batir ) Str., 19
Автострахование (с 8.30 до 21.00). Без выходных. Доставка полисов по г. Алматы. Лиц. №2.1.1. от 30.12.11 г.

Medical, obligatory insurance, insurance protection, insurance protection, insurance, insurers, insurance services, insurance of cars, examination of a state, assessment, insurance of loads and transportations, insurance companies, the insurance policy, expert and evaluation services, insurance of the real estate in Almaty

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